Terms and
Conditions .


Subscribe to our mobile website and check weekly Happyjoyfactory.com. The costs are 3 x 3 EUR - per week. For more information mail to lu@happyjoyfactory.com or call: +35227860622. When you use the service, you acknowledge and confirm that you accept our terms and conditions and that you comply with them. Under 18: ask permission from your parents or the owner of the phone. Happyjoyfactory is not affiliated with, sponsored by or approved by any of the listed products or retailers. Trademarks, service marks, logos (including, without limitation, the individual names of products and retailers) are the property of their respective owners. This is a service of Mobile Minded, Meander 251, 6825 MC Arnhem, The Netherlands, 50518410, NL822783010B01. Mobile Minded works according to the guidelines for SMS/MMS/LBS services.

1. Applicability

These General Terms and Conditions and the Specific Terms and Conditions (collectively referred to as the "General and Specific Terms and Conditions"), as well as the copyright policy and privacy policy, apply to all agreements between us as a Provider (hereinafter referred to as "Provider", "we", "us" or "our" - see the Specific Terms and Conditions for our data) and you as a Customer of the Services that we provide. Services" means the provision of Mobile Content, i.e. content intended for use on the cell phone (such as wallpapers, games, fun sounds and real tones) via Short Messaging Service (hereinafter referred to as "SMS"), via the internet, this website or a WAP site ("the Sites") and/or via other means of providing Mobile Content, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The General and Specific Terms and Conditions, as well as the copyright policy and privacy policy, also apply to the use of the Sites. By using the Sites and/or by registering for (one of) the services and/or by accepting the Mobile Content and/or (one of) the services, you agree to the applicability of the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, as well as the copyright policy and the privacy policy, and you acknowledge and confirm that you have read these and are bound by them. For certain Mobile Content and Services, in addition to the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, Game Terms and Conditions will apply, such as previously announced Game Terms and Conditions, dispute resolution rules and guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the "Game Terms and Conditions"). By registering for (one of) the Services and/or by accepting the Mobile Content and/or (one of) the Services, you also agree to the applicable Game Terms and Conditions, if any, and acknowledge and confirm that you have read them and are bound by them. In the event of any conflict between the General and Specific Terms and Conditions on the one hand and the Game Terms and Conditions on the other hand, the latter will prevail. You will find the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) of the Sites on which the General and Specific Terms and Conditions can be found, for example, in the Provider's free welcome message. The Provider is entitled to amend the General and Specific Conditions at any time. You should therefore read these pages regularly.

2. Description of the services

Through the Services, the Provider provides Customers access to a network of Mobile Content, including but not limited to news or information, e-mail, chat services, entertainment, horoscopes, games, ringtones, wallpapers, fun sounds, real tones and videos. Access to the Mobile Content and Services of independent third parties may also be included in the Services. Access to the Services may be provided by providing you with Mobile Content of the category for which you have registered (for example, by providing a wallpaper) or by enabling you to download the Mobile Content (for example, by providing a WAP push link or PIN to download the content on designated Sites, or by providing access to the Mobile Content (for example, by enabling MSISDN - mobile station integrated services digital network number for the content). The fee is payable regardless of whether or not you actually download Mobile Content; the consideration for the fee is solely the provision of the opportunity to download, receive and/or access Mobile Content. The General and Specific Terms and Conditions, the copyright policy and privacy policy and any Game Terms and Conditions also apply to any extension or improvement of the current Service(s). The Provider may temporarily or permanently change or terminate the Service(s) (or part thereof) at any time. You agree that the Provider shall not be liable to any third party or to you as a user if the Service(s) is (are) changed, terminated or interrupted.

3. Access to services, availability and age limit; Your responsibilities

In order to use the Service(s), you must: (1) be at least the age specified in the Specific Terms and/or have permission from (one of your) parents or legal guardian(s). (2) if someone else makes the payments for the Services provided to you (the "Paying Agent"), have permission from him/her to purchase and use the Services and to make the payments for the Services. (3) if applicable, also on behalf of (one of your) parents, legal representative(s) and/or the Paying Agent, to agree to be bound by these General and Specific Terms and Conditions, the copyright and privacy policy and any Game Terms and Conditions. The Service(s) will be provided "as is" and "as available" at the time of use or consumption. In order to use the Services: (1) you must have the necessary mobile means of communication. Certain Mobile Content is only available for a select number of cell phones. This is a matter for the manufacturers of cell phones and is therefore outside the Provider's sphere of risk. To avoid disappointment, before signing up for (any of) the Services, please check the suitability of your cell phone for these Services, as listed in the List of Suitable Phones, available on the Sites. (2) make sure that your cell phone's settings, particularly WAP settings, are set correctly. To avoid disappointment, before signing up for (one of) the Services, please check your cell phone's settings for these Services with your mobile network provider. (3) You must have a subscription for mobile communications with a participating mobile network provider, or otherwise access a network for mobile communications, through which the Provider makes the Service(s) available. (4) You must have a working Internet connection installed on your cell phone (WAP or GPRS). Instructions to this effect can be found on your mobile network provider's website. (5) You must have the equipment necessary to establish the connection, including a cell phone or PC or other means as may be required. You may be required to pay an additional fee for access to a mobile communications network, a working Internet connection or for setting up the appropriate settings to use the services. The Provider does not accept any liability and offers no guarantee whatsoever if you are unable to make (full) use of the Services and/or if you do not receive Mobile Content or SMS messages from us or do not receive them on time, if this is due to the fact that you do not comply with the provisions of this article 3 or due to the fact that you delete or do not keep (on time) the Mobile Content or SMS messages that you receive from us or due to the fact that your SMS inbox is full. You are responsible for ensuring that your equipment and/or software does not interfere with or obstruct the Provider's Services. Any equipment or software that causes interference will be immediately disconnected from the Services and the Provider will have the right to terminate or suspend the Services with immediate effect. If any upgrade or modification of your equipment or software is required for the Services, you must make such modification at your own expense.

4. Fees for the services

You have free access to our Sites. To purchase Services, you must be registered as an account holder and to use the Services, you pay a fee in accordance with the applicable rates of the Provider via the telephone bill of your mobile network provider if you have a subscription, or by debiting your call credit if you do not have a subscription. In addition to the fee we charge, your mobile network provider may charge you for sending or receiving SMS messages or Mobile Content from us. Please consult your mobile network provider about this.
The Provider's free welcome message will include information on the fees payable to the Provider and the frequency of sending Mobile Content. All fees, including fees for existing subscriptions, are subject to change upon notice to you from the Provider. The Provider will give you timely notice of any such change. If you do not accept the new fees (which will never apply retroactively), you may terminate your agreement with us with immediate effect. Invoicing by a third party will be subject to the payment terms and conditions of that third party. You will pay or reimburse to the Provider all national, local or other taxes (other than the tax based on the Provider's net profit) including, but not limited to, sales tax, usage-related property tax and gambling tax or any other taxes in lieu thereof, which taxes are based on the charges payable for the use of the Services, whether or not such taxes are imposed now or in the future by international, European, national or local authorities or by any other body or bodies with the authority to levy taxes.

5. Code of conduct for the use of the services

You agree to use the Services in accordance with the following Code of Conduct: You will maintain the confidentiality of the information provided to you through the Services and you will not disclose that information to others without the consent of the Provider or the person who provided the information to you; you will not use the Services to engage in harassment or offensive behavior, including, but not limited to, posting communications, photographs or recordings containing libelous, defamatory, abusive or scandalous statements, or racist, pornographic, obscene or offensive language or images; you will not use the Services to violate the privacy, proprietary or other rights of the Provider or any person; you will not post any message, photo, or recording, or use the Services in any manner that violates, plagiarizes, or violates the rights of the Provider or any third party, including, but not limited to, any copyright, privacy or other personal right, or proprietary right, or that is fraudulent or otherwise unlawful or contrary to law or morality; you will not use the Services for the promotion of charity, advertising or solicitation of articles or services; you will not post or transmit contact information in any way through your publicly posted information, including but not limited to telephone numbers, postal addresses, e-mail addresses, web sites or full names; you will not reproduce, copy, sell, resell or use, in whole or in part, the Services; you will not use the Services for commercial purposes; you will not use the Services to send unsolicited e-mail messages, including but not limited to mass commercial advertising or informational communications ("Spam").
In addition, you will not use the Services to (a) send e-mail messages that are excessive and/or intended to harass or bully others, (b) continue to send e-mail messages to the Provider or any recipient who has indicated that he/she does not wish to receive them, (c) send e-mail containing fraudulent or misleading header information, (d) send malicious e-mail, including but not limited to "mailbombing", or (e) send or receive e-mail messages in a manner that violates an Internet service provider's usage policy; The Provider, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to suspend or terminate your subscription and/or terminate your relationship with you and/or to deny you use of the Services or any part thereof now or in the future without being liable to pay any compensation to you in connection therewith. terminate or suspend your use of the Services in connection with a possible breach of these prohibitions, without being liable to pay any compensation to you in connection therewith.

6. Obligation to register for the service

To ensure safe use of the Services and payment of applicable fees, you warrant that the personal information provided on the registration form (hereinafter referred to as "Registered Information") is accurate and complete. If, in the Provider's sole discretion, the Registered Information is inaccurate or incomplete, the Provider may suspend or terminate your subscription and/or terminate your relationship with you and/or deny you use of the Services or any part thereof now or in the future without being liable to pay any fee to you in connection therewith. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords and/or other information provided to you by the Provider and you are fully responsible for all acts performed using your password or such other information. You agree that at the end of each session, you will terminate your visit to the Sites (by closing your browser) and that you will contact the Provider if you become aware or suspect that unauthorized use has been made of your password or relationship with the Provider, or that the security or protection of the Registered Information is no longer guaranteed for any other reason.
The Provider may grant you access to certain Services without registering as a user, for example, registering via your cell phone for the Services provided via SMS. In each case, your identification is based on the method of identification we deem appropriate, such as your cell phone number. In any case, you will receive a free welcome message from the Provider. Please check this message and save it on your cell phone.

7. Additional Service Information

The Provider attaches great importance to the privacy of its users. For this reason, we have adopted a separate privacy policy, which is an integral part of the Provider's General and Specific Terms and Conditions and Game Conditions. You acknowledge that the Provider may collect and process "personal information", "financial information" or "demographic and usage information" ("the Information") in connection with the Services. We may transfer the Information to your mobile network provider and/or gateway services provider for the purpose of collecting the fees owed by you and that Information collected by the Provider may be stored and edited in the country where the Provider or its agents have certain facilities. By using the Services, you consent to such transfer of Information outside of your country. By using the Provider's Services, you agree to this privacy policy, the copyright policy and the General and Specific Terms and Conditions. If you cannot agree to this, you should not use our Services. We reserve the right to change, extend or limit this privacy policy, the copyright policy and the General and Specific Terms and Conditions at any time. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, copyright policy and privacy policy apply to all existing and new applications, extending or improving the current Services. It is therefore advisable to read these pages regularly. Happyjoyfactory is a subscription service and cost (monetary amount). In order to use this service, users must be 18 years of age or older and/or have permission from the account holder. Users will receive a link to download the best content for their mobile .

8. Privacy Policy and data processing

The Provider attaches great importance to the privacy of its users. For this reason, we have adopted a separate privacy policy, which is an integral part of the Provider's General and Specific Terms and Conditions and Game Conditions. You acknowledge that the Provider may collect and process "personal information", "financial information" or "demographic and usage information" ("the Information") in connection with the Services. We may transfer the Information to your mobile network provider and/or gateway services provider for the purpose of collecting the fees owed by you and that Information collected by the Provider may be stored and edited in the country where the Provider or its agents have certain facilities. By using the Services, you consent to such transfer of Information outside of your country. By using the Provider's Services, you agree to this privacy policy, the copyright policy and the General and Specific Terms and Conditions. If you cannot agree to this, you should not use our Services. We reserve the right to change, extend or limit this privacy policy, the copyright policy and the General and Specific Terms and Conditions at any time. Unless expressly provided otherwise, the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, copyright policy and privacy policy apply to all existing and new applications, extending or improving the current Services. It is therefore advisable to read these pages regularly.

9. Indemnity and compensation

You agree to indemnify the Provider and its holding companies, members, subsidiaries, affiliates, service providers, contractors, agents, representatives, licensors, officers, directors, shareholders and employees in connection with any claim, suit, demand, demand or other proceeding, submitted by a third party and caused by, arising out of or in connection with your (i) use of the Services, the Content, the Software and the Sites, including but not limited to your downloads from the Sites, (ii) violation of these General and Specific Terms and Conditions or (iii) violation of any law, regulation or rights of a third party. You shall pay the Provider's fees and damages, including but not limited to reasonable attorneys' fees and costs imposed on or otherwise incurred by the Provider in connection with or arising out of any such claim, suit, demand, demand or other proceeding, defamatory, harassing, invasive of another person's privacy or otherwise objectionable communications to Happyjoyfactory, and indemnify Happyjoyfactory against all damages arising directly or indirectly from the transmission of such communications.

10. Cancellation and termination - NO right of revocation, review period or cooling-off period

The Provider offers the user the possibility to interrupt the flow of information received via SMS. We offer you information on the internet pages belonging to the Services and/or via SMS. You will also find information on how to cancel the Services in the Provider's free sign-up message. In general, the information received via SMS can be interrupted by sending an SMS message with the word STOP HAPPY as text. You can send this message to the abbreviated number 67870 that you used to access the Services. For example, you can send the message STOP HAPPY to the applicable short code and the termination will take effect immediately after receipt of the request for termination. For more details, see the Specific Terms and Conditions, and/or click on the flag of your country.

In addition, you can send an e-mail to the address indicated on the Sites and/or via the Services, or call the number mentioned in the Specific Terms. In this case, the termination will take effect immediately after the receipt of the request for termination. However, the charges may still be on your cell phone bill the following month, as mobile network providers bill retroactively. The Provider may, in its sole discretion, without prior notice to you, interrupt or terminate your use of the Services at any time and destroy and delete the Registered Information within the Services. You agree that the Provider may terminate your relationship with him with immediate effect and destroy or deactivate any information related to such relationship, as well as any lists or files contained therein, with immediate effect and/or deny you further access to the Services.

11. Transactions with advertiseres and/or sponsors

We may use advertisers and sponsors to reduce the cost to you of our Services. As a condition of your use of the Services, you agree that we may display advertisements and other promotions on our Sites, and send advertisements and promotions by SMS or otherwise in connection with our Services. You also agree that you will not attempt to block or otherwise obstruct such advertising and promotions. SOME COUNTRIES DO NOT ALLOW US TO SEND ADVERTISING MESSAGES TO YOU WITHOUT YOUR PRIOR EXPRESS CONSENT. The inclusion of advertising or promotions on our Sites or Services does not imply the Provider's consent to the relevant content and/or service, and/or product, or company. We endeavor to ensure that advertising and promotions are appropriate for our users. You have the right at any time to request that we do not (or no longer) approach you through direct marketing. The Provider does not participate in, and is in no way responsible for, any transaction involving products or services made available by such third parties, or any content or information provided in connection with third party products or services. You agree that the Provider shall not be liable for damages of any kind resulting from such transactions.

12. Intellectual and industrial property rights

You are aware and agree that the content and Software used in connection with the Services, hereinafter referred to as the Software, contains confidential information that is protected by legally established and applicable intellectual property rights and by applicable intellectual and industrial property and other laws. Except as otherwise provided elsewhere in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions, the rights, title and interest in and of the intellectual property or other rights relating to intangible property used, developed, incorporated or exercised in connection with the Services ("Intellectual Property Rights") are owned by the Provider or its licensors, and you agree that you have no interest or claim to such intellectual property rights. You acknowledge that no rights relating to the intellectual property have been transferred to you and that you have not acquired any rights, express or implied, in relation to the Services, other than those expressly granted in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions. Intellectual Property Rights" means the rights under patent, copyright, trade secret, trademark and all other proprietary rights and the application, renewal, extension and restoration thereof, now or hereafter legally established and in force throughout the world. You acknowledge that all marks appearing on the Software and Sites are the property of the Provider, or their respective owners, and are protected by national and international trademark, trade name and copyright laws. Use of the marks appearing on the Software and Sites without the express written consent of the Provider or the owner of the mark is expressly prohibited.
Mobile Minded is a trademark of the Provider. Furthermore, you are aware and agree that data contained in advertising messages from advertisers and/or sponsors or information provided to you through the Services is subject to copyright, patent or other proprietary rights and laws. You warrant that you will not modify, rent, rent, make available, lease, borrow, lend, sell, distribute, create or generate any content or products and/or services obtained in whole or in part from the Services or the Software, except if and to the extent that the Provider has given you express written permission to do so. The Provider hereby grants you, and you hereby accept, a personal, limited, non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable and inalienable license and permission to install and download the Software, to use the Software's code of use, and to use the Services on a dedicated and capable mobile device, solely for your own personal, non-commercial use and to use the Software and the Sites solely in accordance with these General and Specific Terms and Conditions, provided that you do not copy, modify or alter the Software, source code or content or reproduce any derivative product or service or content thereof, modify, perform, transfer, distribute, sell, resell, create, reverse engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to retrieve (or allow a third party to do so) the source code, or to use or make available the Software and content unless expressly permitted in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions and provided that you do not sell, code, sublicense or otherwise transfer the rights relating to the content, the Software and the intellectual property rights.
You warrant that you will not modify the Content, Software and intellectual property rights in any way or use modified versions of the Software and intellectual property rights, including but not limited to obtaining unauthorized access to the Services. You warrant that you will only use the interface provided by the Provider to obtain access to the Services. The Provider hereby authorizes you to make up to one copy of the information on the equipment that you use to access the Services and to use and display the copy of the registered information made on that equipment for private purposes.

13. Disclaimer of liability

The Provider, its directors, officers, employees, suppliers, agents and representatives (the "Offering Parties") accept no liability whatsoever for damages resulting from your use of the Services, Content, Software and Sites. You expressly understand and agree that: the Services, Content, Software and Sites are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis with no warranty of any kind. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the offering parties expressly disclaim any and all liability, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the Services, the Content, the Software and Sites, including but not limited to the implied warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement of proprietary rights; the offering parties assume no liability with respect to the security, reliability, timeliness and performance of the Services, the Content, the Software and Sites.
The offering parties do not guarantee that the services, the content, the software and sites will meet your expectations or that the services, the offer of the content, the software and sites will not be interrupted or error-free; advice or information, whether verbally or in writing or through our services, obtained by you from us do not create any guarantee that is not expressly set out in these general and specific conditions.
You should not rely on such information or advice; you understand and agree that you download and/or use the Services, Content, Software and Sites at your sole discretion and risk and that you shall be solely liable for any damage to your computer system, cell phone or loss of data resulting from the downloading or use of the Content, Software and Sites; with respect to the chat services: the mobile content services, including the SMS service, are for entertainment purposes only; photographs of persons displayed on television, on the Internet and/or on cell phones are for illustrative purposes only. These are not the persons who actually provide the services to you.

14. Limitation of liability

Under no circumstances, including negligence, will the offering parties be liable to you or any third party for damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, special, moral, incidental, civil liability or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business income, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) as a result of your use, misuse or inability to use the services, content, software and sites, even if the provider's authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage (including damage suffered by third parties). There are countries where the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages is not permitted, so the foregoing limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event shall the aggregate liability of the offering parties to you for damages, losses and suits (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you to register for the Services, Content, Software and Sites.

15. General Information

These General and Specific Terms and Conditions replace all previous agreements between you and the Provider. If you use additional services, materials or software from third parties, Game's General Terms and Conditions may apply to you. The national laws of the country or state in which you reside shall apply to the relationship between you and the Provider, regardless of the terms and conditions of applicable international law. The application of the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("the Vienna Sales Convention") is expressly excluded. Disputes will be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules established by the arbitration institution located in your country of residence. The Supplier's failure to exercise or enforce any of the rights or conditions set forth in these General and Specific Conditions shall not constitute a waiver or rejection of such rights or conditions. If any provision of these General and Specific Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or an appointed arbitrator, such a determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other provisions of these General and Specific Conditions. If we refrain from exercising our rights under these General and Specific Terms and Conditions upon the occurrence of any breach described in this Agreement, this does not mean that we are relinquishing those rights should such breach occur again. The titles of the articles as used in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions have only been added to make reading easier and cannot in any way define, limit, interpret or describe the scope or extent of that article or affect that article in any way.
The Services are provided by: please refer to the Specific Terms and Conditions for your country. These General and Specific Terms and Conditions supersede all prior agreements between you and the Provider. If you make use of additional services, materials or software from third parties, Game's General Terms and Conditions may apply to you. The national law of the country or state in which you reside shall apply to the relationship between you and the Provider, regardless of the terms and conditions of applicable international law. The application of the United Nations Convention of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods ("the Vienna Sales Convention") is expressly excluded. Disputes will be resolved by arbitration in accordance with the rules established by the arbitration institution located in your country of residence. The Supplier's failure to exercise or enforce any of the rights or conditions set forth in these General and Specific Conditions shall not constitute a waiver or rejection of such rights or conditions. If any provision of these General and Specific Conditions is declared invalid or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction or an appointed arbitrator, such a determination shall not affect the validity or enforceability of the other provisions of these General and Specific Conditions. If we refrain from exercising our rights under these General and Specific Terms and Conditions upon the occurrence of any breach described in this Agreement, this does not mean that we are relinquishing those rights should such breach occur again. The titles of the articles as used in these General and Specific Terms and Conditions have only been added to make reading easier and cannot in any way define, limit, interpret or describe the scope or extent of that article or affect that article in any way. Under no circumstances, including negligence, shall the offering parties be liable to you or any third party for damages, including but not limited to, direct, indirect, incidental, special, moral, incidental, civil liability or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business income, business interruption, loss of business information and the like) as a result of your use, misuse or inability to use the services, content, software and sites, even if the provider's authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage (including damage suffered by third parties).
There are countries where the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages is not permitted, so the foregoing limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. In no event shall the aggregate liability of the offering parties to you for damages, losses and actions (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise) exceed the amount paid by you to register for the Services, Content, Software and Sites.

16. Copyright Policy November 1,2011

The Provider ("we", "us") respects the intellectual and industrial property rights ("IP rights"), including but not limited to copyright, of third parties and we expect users of our Service, as further described in the General and Specific Terms and Conditions, to do the same. Where appropriate, we may exclude users from the Service if, in our opinion, they are violating IP rights as further described in the General Terms and Conditions. We reserve the right to change, extend or limit this copyright policy, the privacy policy and the General and Specific Terms and Conditions at any time. Since all changes will be made on these pages, we recommend that you read through these pages regularly. Your continued use of the Service and the use of any additions and improvements to it will constitute your acceptance of the modified Service.
If you believe that, without your prior consent, your expressions have been reproduced and/or otherwise disclosed through the Service, on this website, or through the wapsite ("the Sites") in a manner that infringes or has infringed your IP rights, we request that you notify our Copyright Agent, whose details are included in the Specific Terms, of the (alleged) infringement, providing the following information: a specific description and the location(s) of the communications; your name, address, cell phone number and e-mail address; a statement that you and/or your authorized representative have not given permission for the reproduction and/or disclosure of the communications, or that the communications are permitted under any legal provision; a statement that conclusively demonstrates that the information you have provided to us is complete and truthful and that you are the rightful owner of the IP rights vested in the communications. The Provider's Copyright Agent can be reached by e-mail. The address can be found on the Sites and through the Service. You can also contact the number as stated in the Specific Terms and Conditions by telephone.
As soon as we have received your notification, we reserve the right to block the publications or to remove them from the Sites. If in our opinion your IP rights may indeed be infringed, we will block or remove the infringing party and we will do our best to identify the infringing party. We will also notify this party of the infringement and of the fact that the infringing party has been removed from the Sites. The party whose infringing communications have been blocked or removed pursuant to this copyright policy has the right to defend itself. To do so, it must provide the following information to our Copyright Agent: a specific and complete description of the blocked or removed statements and the locations of those statements before they were blocked or removed, including the URL; a statement conclusively demonstrating that the statements have been blocked or removed as a result of demonstrable errors or mistakes or that the blocked or removed statements have been wrongfully designated as statements to be blocked or removed; the name, address, mobile telephone number and e-mail address of this party and a statement indicating that this party agrees to the possible resolution of the dispute by the competent court referred to in the General Terms and Conditions.
As soon as we have received the defence, we will forward it to you and we will in our opinion rule in favour of the most reasonable party. In the event that you are proved right, we will do our best to keep the infringing statements through the Service and from the Sites. In the event that the defending party is proved right, your mistakenly qualified offending communications will no longer be routed through the Service and the Sites or reposted through the Service and the Sites within five business days, unless we have received notice from you within this period that you have brought the dispute before the competent court specified in the Terms and Conditions. You must provide us with proof of your filing in a court of law.